% function getPage(strURL) dim hhttp, status, strHttp, strQry, Item, hostname ' hostname will either be hardcoded to one hostname or read what was passed through ' If the dynamic option is used then the site can pull in different headers and footers for each site ' hostname = "www.ukoug.org" hostname = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER") 'hostname = Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") strHttp = "http" If (Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_PORT")="443") Then strHttp = "https" End If If (iSecuritaUserRef<>"" AND Not IsNull(iSecuritaUserRef)) Then strQry = "&IndividualRef=" & iSecuritaUserRef End If '' Include this to provide all the header and footer reuest items to the jsp too '' For Each Item In Request.Querystring '' strQry = strQry & "&" & Item & "=" &Request.Querystring(Item) '' Next Set hhttp = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP") hhttp.open "GET", strHttp & "://" & hostname & "/integra/" & strURL & ".jsp?page=" & Server.URLEncode(Request.ServerVariables("URL")) & strQry, False, "client", "design" hhttp.send getPage = hhttp.responseText status = int(hhttp.status) select case status case 404, 405 if instr(1, strURL, "header") > 0 then getPage = "
There has been an error with the template file
" else getPage = "" end if case 200 'page returned successfully end select set hhttp = Nothing end function %> <%=getPage("popup-header")%>