

The zip file contains service pack 19 for On-Line Services 2011 release 1. 
Date:		05 May 2013
Version:	11.1.00019

This service pack contains the fixes for all previous service packs.


To successfully install this service pack you are required to re-promulgate the database. The version used must be 11.1.0018
Once this has been done, the client must be advised that they need to upgrade to Websync 11R1 build 6151.


cslols110101.dll has been created as an update and will need registering


The service pack addresses the following incidents:



NFPI-2839	(CAS-131824)

Updated the dll so that the names retrieved from the form are not trimmed by the first 8000 characters.  This was causing an error when a large form was being used in portal/default.asp so the list of names for each checkbox control exceeded 8000 characters.

Whilst fixing this issue, another error arouse whereby the date comparison in the SQL in portal/default.asp was failing.  This was updated to use simpler SQL syntax.

Files updated: portal/default.asp

Dll created: cslols110101.dll

VB files updated: FormValidator.cls, cslols.vbp

NFPI-2761	(CAS-112207)

Updated mailmerge/editor.asp so the Subject control is called "subject" rather than "sub" because the page it submits to (mailmerge/validate.asp) is expecting "subject".

Files updated: mailmerge/editor.asp



NFPI-2753	(New Dev 1050)

Files updated to fulfill requirement of new developent 1050 as a hotfix.

Files updated: admin/admin_payments.asp, payments/default.asp, common/functions.asp, shop/address.asp, multievents/insertrates.asp and membership/finaliseplan.asp

Files created: payments/securetrading.asp, payments/stcardgood1.asp and payments/stcardgood2.asp



NFPI-2799 (originally NFPI-2798)	(CAS-112219-9F9B42)

Undone changes made for NFPI-2049 as these changes caused a new issue (cas-112219) i.e. removing iGuestAdd and replacing where it was used in the sql back to 1

Affected files: multievents/insertRates.asp



NFPI-2858	(New Dev 1078)

enhancement to "export to csv" which is available in portal.  The merge field [/ORG] is now available for setting up export in the admin area.

Affects files: portal/default.asp

NFPI-2857	(New Dev 1092)

Extending the multicurrency functionality to include the finance and membership modules.  Separate release notes should be consulted for details.

Affects files: 

NFPI-2870  (originally NFPI-2867)	(CAS-142700-N8N03L)

Fixed issue where a Change of main contact in portal gave a crash on save if white list is turned on

Affects files: common/functions.asp

NFPI-2891  (originally NFPI-2882)	(CAS-142698-JSNVMK)

Fixed issue where the Individual attribute does not appear to have saved after creation when it's displayed as a select combo box (it had been saved, but was not being displayed)

Affects files: common/functions.asp

NFPI-2890  (originally NFPI-2880)	(CAS-142696-ZNR46W)

Fixed issue where when the qualificiation type was disabled, submitting the page after making changes would make it crash either through portal or updates.

Affects files: updates/update_qual.asp

NFPI-2856  (New Dev 1094)

Updated as new dev requested so the number of guests selected for each session in admin is reflected in the user side in both the user select drop downs and the guest text boxes.

Affects files: multievents/insertRates.asp, admin/event_configure_session.asp

NFPI-2906 (QA testing NFPI-2856)

To determine whether the drop down should start from 0 or 1 is detemined by whether the "Guest Modifier" for the event is set to "Number of Guests Only" (for 0) or "Total Delegates Including Booker" (for 1).

However, if more than one event had been selected, the issue was that the starting value was being determined from only one of the events and not for each of the events that there may be a drop down for.

Therefore, the fix involves getting the starting value for each drop down and placing that into an array which is then used when the drop down is built. 

Affects files: multievents/insertRates.asp

NFPI-2914 (duplicate of 11r2 fix NFPI-2724)

Removed the & "" from the end of the SQL result so it returns the value in the correct variable type.

Affects files: multievents/addDelegates0.asp, multievents/addDelegates1.asp and multievents/addDelegates2.asp


Updated membership/addAddress.asp so that the word "HASH" is added to the 2nd hidden parameter in the loop.

The code was previously like this but had been missed out when the page was updated with the FormValidator.

Affects files: membership/addAddress.asp



NFPI-2767	(CAS-155609)

Updated common/functions.asp so that the ValidateFormSubmission() function is exited at the beginning for the updates/update_wizard.asp page where the "Action" querystring is "CheckAddress".

As Javascript was being used to populate the form dynamically without refresh, the formvalidator error page was being called every time the form was submited because it was different from when it was originally loaded (i.e. when a change had been made when editing a location). 

Affects files: common/functions.asp



NFPI-2877 & NFPI-2876 & NFPI-2883 11r1 

Affects files: common/functions.asp, updates/update_contact.asp



NFPI-2996 (NFPI-2995) & NFPI-2964

Updated the ValidateFormSubmission() function in common/functions.asp to exclude updates/update_address_dets.asp because the address is being added dynamically via javascript.

Added NFPI-2964 because it is in the same area and a very similar issue.

Affects files: common/functions.asp




Added a new option to the admin/admin_download.asp page to allow the admin user to specify whether the link to download.asp can use a status hash link or not.  The new setting is called globalDownloadUseStaticLink
Also updated downloads/download.asp and downloads/download1.asp page to look at the new setting to determine whether the hash link is made up of the Session("StartUp") value or not.
This is required because the Session("StartUp") value is not available to CMS so this option will allow the hash link to use the md5NoStartUp() function rather than md5().

Affects files: admin/admin_download.asp, downloads/download.asp and downloads/download1.asp




Corrected the value being given to the "startcount" hidden variable so an odbc error no longer occurs when there are more that 10 e-mail addresses

Affects files: MailMerge/validate.asp




Included Site Security into Secure Trading PSP

Affects files: admin/admin_payments.asp, payments/securetrading.asp



NFPI-3000/3046	CAS-142705-JD2SP7 

The Change Password page has been updated (by updating the fCheckPassword function in common/functions.asp) to check that the types of the New and Confirm passwords are the same, otherwise an error message is displayed.

Affects files: common/functions.asp

NFPI-2991/3045	CAS-142709-QVS2FR 

Updated updates/update_email.asp to ensure that the additional e-mail address (set up in admin, general, New Individual Email) is only used when the page is called by an individual update page. 

Affects files: updates/update_email.asp

NFPI-2948/2957	CAS-153623-DDQLWM

Updated updates/update_qual.asp to use hidden controls when controls have been set to not be displayed in admin. These hidden controls will then contain the data that is currently set in the database. This means that a control will exist with the current data for the Update SQL to use for the value of the control from. 

Affects files: updates/update_qual.asp



NFPI-3161/3157  :  CAS-210797-BD6FPN

Updated so it checks the ID is numerical to stop SQL Injection

Affects files: extranet/setText.asp



NFPI-3183/NFPI-3195 : CAS-212206-ZP99SM

Updated cpd/add_course.asp and cpd/edit_course.asp as they were both calling the function fNumberOnly against the "Value" field. This function only allows non-decimal numerical values. Therefore, they were updated to instead use the fNumberDecPlOnly function which does allow decimal place numerical values.

Updated the ins_upd_IND_CPD and del_IND_CPD triggers both for the IND_CPD table where the "value" field is updated. The "Value" being passed was accepted as an integer, this has now been changed to a be decimal(20,2) so that the "value" field is updated using the decimal value rather then the integer value.

Affects files: cdp/add_course.asp, cpd/edit_course.asp
Affected triggers: ins_upd_IND_CPD, del_IND_CPD




Updated the updates area to not allow a blank role type or role status if the new updates admin option "Contact Type & Status Allow Blank Values" is set to False

Affects files: admin/admin_updates.asp, updates/update_contact.asp




Updated to work in Portal

Affects files: updates/update_contact.asp



NFPI-3341 (originally NFPI-23340)	(CAS-255718-B5K8Z3)

A new yes/no admin option has been added to admin/general_config.asp for "Disable Content-Length for Downloads" for the new global "globalDisableContentLength".

This is used to determine whether the "Response.AddHeader "Content-Length", len(objFile)" line should be used in portal/default.asp and additionally updates/orgbookkeeping.asp 

Affected files: admin/general_config.asp, portal/default.asp and updates/orgbookkeeping.asp



NFPI-3351 (originally NFPI-3349)	(CAS-261847-J1B6S3)

Net / Gross amounts now being taken into consideration for rebates

Affected OLS SQL function: fn_webPlanAmount



NFPI-3368 (CAS-266187-K3K7L3)

sp_webGenerateChargesA - Redefined @nUnit as Decimal(20,2) instead of Integer in order for pence part of amount to be retained

Updated stored procedure: sp_webGenerateChargesA



NFPI-3421 (NFPI-3420) - CAS-309125-H9Q7T4

Updated to use the correct md5

Updated files: admin/admin_partners.asp, login/login_partner.asp